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just hritik rosan

ZMA vs Steroids

It is no secret that many different bodybuilders have constantly been on the search for finding ways to increase their muscle strength, and raise their testosterone levels. They may have however, been looking in many of the wrong places.
Several pro-hormones have been tried in their search, and recent studies show this may not be the best option. There are just far too many side effects that are associated with the use of pro-hormone supplements.
There are safe alternatives that can be taken to achieve their goals however. Clinical studies have proven some awesome benefits in a new performance product that is called ZMA.
This new sports performance supplement includes just the right combination of both zinc and magnesium, to give you the advantage of being able to see great improvements in increasing levels of both your muscle strength, and in anabolic hormone levels.
It is Often wondered why Zinc and Magnesium are so important in achieving these goals
Many chemical reactions in your body, including that of your immune system, protein synthesis and cellular energy, rely on the important function of Zinc, because of its important role in regulating the T cells that are produced.
Your liver is very dependent on the protection it receives through Zinc, and it can also play a major role in slowing down enlargement of the prostate gland. Your reproductive organ health is also dependent on Zinc, to operate smoothly and efficiently.
There is a vast array of popular vitamins and supplements that include Zinc, but one of the most popular is the use of Zinc lozenges. The common cold is something that every single one of us has more than likely faced at some point in our life.
Zinc has been proven to lessen the effects that the common cold can cause, by 45 to 50%. It is not only effective for reducing the length of time that the symptoms are suffered, but it can also lessen the severity of the symptoms.
Exactly how does Magnesium help?
There are a variety of things that our bodies rely on magnesium for, such as the transporting of neuro-chemicals that is so essential for muscle function, the regulation of our moods, and very importantly for normal heart function.
Magnesium balances out the sodium and potassium that is within each of our cells. As important as magnesium is to every single one of us, studies have shown that as many as 74% of individuals do not take less than what is required in the suggested daily dose.
How does ZMA supplements play into the picture?
There are a variety of world-class athletes that are already enjoying the effects of this very beneficial product. Well-known NFL player, Lester Archambeau has stated, that when it comes to the advantages of ZMA, he is “extremely satisfied with ZMA. ZMA definitely helps me recover! I can tell when I take it and when I don’t. There is no doubt that it makes me sleep better.”
There are others as well who are very satisfied with the results they are seeing. The big Falcon states, “I have much better endurance when taking ZMA.” Currently there are more than 250 NFL players who are enjoying benefits of taking ZMA.
If that is not enough to convince you of it’s great effectiveness, Dr. Brilla finds, “A group of competitive NCAA football players who took ZMA nightly during an 8 week spring training program had 2.5 times greater muscle strength gains than a placebo group.
Pre and post leg strength measurements were made.” The strength of individuals in the ZMA group increased by 11.6%, where as the placebo group only saw a 4.6% increase.
Further commenting on ZMA, Dr. Brilla has stated, “The muscle strength increases may have been mediated by the anabolic hormone increases in the ZMA group. The ZMA group had 30% increases in free and total testosterone levels compared to 10% decreases in the placebo group.
The ZMA group also had a slight increase in insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels compared to a 20% decrease in the placebo group. This study shows that anabolic hormone and muscle strength increases can be induced in already strength-trained athletes by using a novel zinc-magnesium preparation.”
A variety of different sports performance supplements have been considered to be a very controversial subject for many years, however the benefits of taking ZMA have been proven to be not only much more effective, but it is also an all natural alternative, meaning it is safe!
Never before has a nighttime anabolic formula been developed, that is designed specifically for the enhancement and recovery of muscles, through improved sleep efficiency.
So many people just do not realize how dependent that the healing in tissue repair, muscle growth, and hormone production are in receiving a deep and restful sleep.
As stated by Victor Conte, co-investigator and co-investigator and Director of BALCO Laboratories in Burlingame, California, “ZMA is the only all natural product that has been clinically proven to increase anabolic hormone levels and muscle strength in trained athletes.”
Conte said, “There has never been a study reporting adverse health effects at these moderate dosages.”
What are the benefits of ZMA compared to Steroids?
It is a well-known fact that the use of steroids has been banned by many athletic organizations. This is not the case with ZMA. Since it is all-natural, it can be used safely, without any harmful side effects. It also does not have to be cycled.
The bottom line is this, when you begin to realize what is involved for speeding up the process of recovery, tissue repair, anabolic hormone production, healing, and muscle growth, the answer will be very easy.
ZMA is a much safer alternative to achieve these goals, than the use of steroids