just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

5 Myths That Can Keep You Fat

Continuously trying different methods of losing weight that simply do not work will not help you achieve your goal of losing the excess fat that you want to lose. It all boils down to eating better and keeping these 5 myths in mind.
1. Food labels tell the truth – The content (lies) that are included on food labels is not designed to tell the truth about the food that is inside, what it is designed to do, is sell that particular item. A good example would be in PAM cooking spray.
We are led to believe that this item is fat free, after all that is what it says right? What would you think if you knew it was actually 100% pure fat? On the ingredients list you will very clearly see corn oil, and all oils are nothing more than fat.
You are probably wondering how they are able to flat out lie about the contents of products we are consuming. It is simply because of a loophole found in the FDA labeling definition. It allows companies to use labels that say an item is ‘fat free’ as long as that item has less than 0.5g of fat in each serving.
In PAM that is said to be ‘fat free’, the serving size is 1/3-second spray or .3g. This means there is supposed to be over 700 servings in each can. Right! It is however legal for them to label it as ‘fat free’ simply using a play of words.
How do you solve the problem?
When you are reading labels make sure you careful look at the nutrition facts and pay no attention to the %. Take note of the serving size, calories included in each serving, and know the ingredients that are included in the product. The truth can be found in these places, not in what is found printed on from of the package.
2. You can drop fat by skipping meals – The exact opposite of this statement is true. When you wake up each morning, you have generally gone anywhere from 6 to 12 hours without any food, leaving your body absolutely nothing to run on. This means your metabolism will not get a move on until you have had your first meal.
Until you do, your body uses muscle to burn for energy instead of fat. If your plans are to drop off some body fat, this is not the way to achieve it, you will only succeed in losing muscle and water.
How do you solve the problem?
Simply by eating breakfast! Many people are running short on time in our fast paced society, but there are numerous breakfast ideas on the Internet, that can be used as quick meals for those of you who are always on the go.
You might as well throw in the towel now if waking up 5 or 10 minutes earlier each morning to have a quick breakfast is too hard to do.
3. Having a smoothie is healthy – Personal recipes that you make from home may very well be great for a post workout meal or a lean-body breakfast. The smoothies that you can purchase commercially however are loaded with a ton of sugar and they contain very little protein in them. (You will find 39.9g of sugar in a 12oz. can of Coke – and you will find 93g of sugar along with 4g of protein in the Banana Berry Smoothie’s found at Jamba Juice)
How do you solve the problem?
Your best bet would be to completely stay away from the smoothie’s that can be bought commercially. Instead, know the ingredients that you are putting into your body by making them at home!
4. Fruity yogurt that is low fat is good for you – When you consume one of these cups you might as well be eating a cup full of candy as they contain 43g of sugar. When you choose to eat an 8oz. serving of fat-free yogurt that is fruit flavored, it has 250% more sugar than many of the non fruit flavored varieties.
How do you solve the problem?
Purchase fat-free yogurt (preferably FAGE) that you can take home and add fruit yourself. You can be assured this way that you are receiving protein and fiber, and a lot less sugar. It also tastes a lot better since you can put the amount of fruit you enjoy in it!
5. You can live longer drinking moderately – Through the years, many of us have heard the saying over and over that people drinking 1 to 2 alcoholic beverages a day can actually live longer than people who choose not to drink any at all.
The problem with this idea comes in research that is said to “prove” this theory. People were divided into three different categories. Group A consisted of those that were heavy drinkers. Group B consisted of people who were moderate drinkers. Group C consisted of people who were non-drinkers.
Over a period of time data was gathered to determine how long each group lived. It is questionable however with the data that the researchers gathered from Group C. This group not only consisted of individuals who chose not to drink, but it also consisted of those that no longer drank because of having serious health issues or poor health, and individuals that were alcoholics.
People who have become so ill that they simply cannot drink, and former alcoholics generally will not have a long life span. So, in averaging life spans of individuals who are very sick and former alcoholics that are short, along with those that choose to not drink and have a life span that is much longer, you end up getting numbers that appear to be smaller than those shown in the moderate drinkers.
How do you solve the problem?
People who drink do it because they want to, not because they will be able to enjoy a much longer life by drinking. The theory of red wine being good for you is because of the fact that whole grapes are used in its making.
You will be doing yourself a favor by eating more whole grapes, rather than trying to convince yourself that anything in alcohol can be good for you. That is not to say you should never drink, but if you do, just be sure that you do it in moderation.