just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Daily Weight Loss Routine

There are a lot of different diets out there being sold in magazines, books, and on TV shows, and most of them start with changing your diet.
They want you to remove all of your favorite foods, simply because most of our favorite foods are not healthy, but you do not have to. There are ways that you can lose weight and eat what you want to eat. Here are ten ways that you can lose weight without giving up the food you want.
Take the stairs
Just this simple change in your daily routine will give your heart rate and metabolism a boost and begin to burn calories.
Make small substitutions in the food you eat
If you really want to lose some weight and keep it off, you need to make some small changes to your diet. You will not stress out your system and you are more likely to be able to keep the weight off. Some changes could be sweetener for sugar, and water for sodas.
Eat lean protein
Eat more foods that are high in protein like fish and chicken. Protein is the best complex nutrient that you can eat because it will take your body quite a bit longer to digest it. Protein will increase your metabolism, while building lean muscle. Eating protein is the key to keeping your metabolism working and burning the unwanted fat.
Drink water
Since your body is mostly water, it only makes sense that by drinking water, you are replenishing the fluids in your blood as well as feeding your muscles oxygen and water, which helps them bulk up and stay healthy.
Eat slowly
Eating slower allows your body more time to signal your brain telling it that you are full. By slowing down how you eat, you will feel full after eating less than you would if you were eating fast. You will also feel more satisfied after each meal. By eating slower, you will also chew your food more, helping break down the food and letting your body digest it easier.
Eat greens foods
Green vegetables, like proteins, are complex nutrients. They are harder to digest, therefore, you feel fuller longer after each meal, and if you are eating more meals a day, you will tend to eat less as a whole for the whole day.
Keep moving
By making small movements over the course of the day, can make your body burn about three hundred calories. If you are sitting down all day, try tapping your feet or wiggling your toes so you are always moving, burning calories.
Eat ‘light’ foods
You can change your diet to “light” foods by making just a few substitutes. One example that you can do is to buy canned tuna fish in water instead of oil. You can also drink skim milk instead of always reaching for whole milk.
Also, using olive oil to cook meals with instead of vegetable oil can do wonders. These changes may not seem like they will help, but you will be removing a lot of fats from of your diet that are very unhealthy.
Walk just a little bit faster
Whether you are walking through the shopping mall, or going to go check the mail, if you increase your pace a bit, you will be burning calories, strengthening your muscles and saving time.
After exercising, eat something
Eating a small meal after you workout will help your body repair itself and will keep your metabolism working at a higher rate, but just for a short period of time.
All of these things need to be started slowly, and try to be patient. You will not notice a change overnight, but as long as you keep making healthy choices, you will begin to shed some of those unwanted pounds in no time.