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just hritik rosan

Post Workout Nutrition Is Huge

How Important Is Nutrition Post Workout?
If you were told that you could increase protein synthesis by as much as 110%, would you believe it? What if you were also told that you could store glycogen twice as effectively?
What if you were told you could increase insulin sensitivity, growth hormone levels, and naturally increase recovery time? We bet you would have trouble believing that too, wouldn’t you?
Well, it is possible and we are here to tell you that these things are definitely true. The choice is yours on whether you choose to believe it or not.
A common misconception that a lot of body builders have is that it is okay to work your ass off, and then as soon as you have finished your vigorous workout, it is time to go someplace that is comfy and stretch out to relax.
Well, we hate to be the ones to burst your bubble, but this type of thinking will not get you the results you are working so hard to achieve!
The post workout meal should always be an important part of your regime!
When and How much?
Okay, now that we have that determined, and you know how important the post workout meal is, do you know what you should eat, when, and how much you should eat?
After you have just finished putting every ounce of energy you have into a vigorous workout, your muscles become torn down, glycogen is shot to hell, and you can even enter into catabolism.
Don’t just ignore it, take care of the problem by giving them the important nutrients they are craving.
Carbs that are stored as glycogen is done 125% more efficiently right after a strenuous workout, and this has been proven by various studies. Not only that, but the building of new muscles (called protein synthesis) is elevated a great deal as well.
Why would you not want to benefit from this, and give your muscles exactly what they need to repair, and to grow?
Just How Important Is Water?
Imagine losing 20% of your strength. Without re-hydrating after you work out, this is exactly what can happen. Not only is water extremely important for replenishing what your body lost during your workout, but it also takes 4ml. of water, for your body to store every gram of carbohydrates as glycogen.
80% of our bodies are made up of water, it is what is used to help maintain your internal body temperature, and it is also used for the forming of and burning ATP.
Which Carbs Are Best?
When you think of your post workout meal, you want to think of carbs that are the fastest acting, and preferably the ones in liquid form. Assuming you had a vigorous workout, you will want to take in approximately 1 to 1 ½ grams of carbs per kilogram of your total bodyweight.
This means if you weigh 200lbs., you will need to take in 100-150 grams of carbs.
Fruits can be good for after workout meals, as long as they are fruits that are higher in glucose than they are in fructose. It is best to eat fruits on the high glycemic index, such as that in banana’s or grapes.
Protein – Protein – and More Protein!
Everyone should know by now that protein is our muscles’ building block. Are you aware that after you have work out, you are able to absorb and use just about 50% more protein, than you can while eating other regular meals?
The protein synthesis in your body is at high levels during this time, and this is why it is so important to put protein back in. Give your muscles what they need! Depending on your size and metabolism, between 30 and 70 grams should be sufficient.
What’s A Post Workout Meal Without Vitamins!
We can’t forget about vitamins and minerals. After a vigorous workout, your cells are oxidized because of the free radicals. So, the nutrients from vitamins are needed to help your muscles repair, as well as to help bond to the radicals.
It is very important that you take a multi-vitamin that is high in vitamin C, and vitamin E, along with chromium and alpha-lipoic acid or ALA. These help to ensure your muscles are more insulin sensitive, and the cells of your muscles will be able to absorb the nutrients they need much more effectively and efficiently.
If you REALLY want great results, you can’t ignore any portion of your daily workout regime, and this includes the post workout meal! Check out the sample ones below, geared towards a 200 pound male. Remember to adjust their calories accordingly: