just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Get Rid Of That Double Chin

Are You Familiar With The Platysma Muscle?
Many people may not know this, but the platysma muscle that is located in the upper part of your torso, consisting of not only your face, but your neck, and your upper chest as well.
These muscles are very important to you, because they control each of your facial expressions. They do this by helping the action of your lower lip in being able to move down, as well as sideways.
A large number of individuals have had great success in getting rid of a bothersome double chin, simply by exercising their platysma.
A double chin can often times occur when fat is stored in this particular area of your body. Yes, it is true that this area is one of the easiest to accumulate fat, and it is also one of the hardest areas on your body to get rid of the fat. This is because there are very few exercises that you can do with your platysma.
As you grow older, these muscles, just as many others throughout your body, will begin to sag. When this occurs in the platysma, your skin can form pouches on your chin and neck, which results in a double chin.
By toning these muscles and eating a proper diet, along with the proper weight-reducing program can usually help you win the fight against an unsightly double chin.
To help you achieve being able to firm up the platysma muscle, as well as give you a healthier looking body, it will be very helpful to do some specific exercises that will target this specific muscle.
These are very simple exercises that can be done anywhere. A straight-backed chair is all that you will need to complete the exercises, and possibly a private area to exercise in. One important thing that you should always remember when exercising, is to never overdo it, and do not strain yourself.
Exercise #1
With your head erect, sit as straight as possible in the chair, and then alternate between opening and closing your mouth, keeping it open a few seconds, then closing your mouth, and repeat.
As you do this exercise you should be able to feel your facial muscles contracting, as well as the muscles in your neck contracting, then relaxing. Start from anywhere between 10 and 20 sets, taking breaks between each set, approximately 3 to 5 times each week, and you can gradually increase the repetitions over time.
Exercise #2
Making sure your spine is straight; sit straight up as you slowly lean your head back towards the back of the chair. Hold in this position for a few seconds, and then return to an upright position.
You can start by doing anywhere from 10 to 15 sets, and then you can gradually increase the repetitions over time.
Continuing to do these exercises on a regular basis, while also adding cardiovascular exercises will ensure that you receive a complete body workout. With continuous dedication to your exercise regime, over time you are sure to notice a great improvement.
When you begin to see the amazing changes, your total body workout will seem less of a chore, and more of an enjoyment.