just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Top 5 Tricep Moves For Mass

You’ll probably be surprised to know that your triceps actually take up as much as two-thirds of your entire arm. When your goal is to achieve large, rock hard arms, then it is a must that you commit yourself to focusing hard on your triceps, maybe even a little harder then on your biceps.
Below are 5 of the top triceps moves we recommend for mass. If your goal is to increase the size of your arms, you might try adding a few of them to your regular workout routines.
For the best results, you should try to isolate your triceps, and be sure to not use your back during the exercises.
While performing any of the exercises for your triceps, make sure that your feet stay firmly on the ground. You should exhale as you perform each exercise, and inhale as you return to the beginning position.
1. Weighted Dips – Get two benches that are placed five feet apart. For taller people, you will need to place them a little further apart. Place both hands (palms down) on one bench, and both of your feet on the other.
Slowly lower your body until your arms reach a 90-degree angle, then go back to the starting position, and repeat. To work out your triceps even further, try laying extra weight plates flat on each leg. You should do at least three sets of ten of this exercise.
2. Skull Crushers – Try not to slip while performing this exercise, or you just might find out how it got its name! Lie down on a flat bench. Using either an ez-bar, or a straight barbell with a significant amount of weight on them, you can either have another person hand you the bar, or reach overhead and grasp the bar yourself.
You will want to place your hands about one foot apart, while keeping your elbows in. Slowly stretch your arms outward, and then bring them over your skull slowly. You should do three sets of eight, of this exercise.
3. Sitting Dumbbell triceps extensions – An adjustable bench comes in handy for this particular exercise, and for good back support, you will want to adjust it in a seat position. Using a good amount of weight, grab a hold of the dumbbell, holding it with both of your hands, behind your head.
Do not let it fall any lower than around the middle part of your head. Then you will extend your arms to straight up in the air, and return to behind your head again. Do not arch your back very much, or let your shoulders fall back too far.
4. Triceps Kickbacks – Bend forward from your waste, taking care to keep your back straight, then grabbing the dumbbell, and hold it at a 90-degree angle. While your arm is kept locked by your side, using just your triceps, let your arms kick the weight back.
This can be a great exercise for the end of your routine, to burn out. Use a light weight, and do sets of either ten or twelve reps.
5. Rope Pull-downs – Using the machine for this exercise, you will want to set it high enough where you will be able to do twelve to fifteen reps, yet low enough where you will feel the burn. Grabbing the rope with a hand on either side, pull it down completely, making a ‘V’.
It is important to keep your arms locked at your sides, and your back kept straight. If you don’t, you can easily overcompensate, and instead of using your triceps, you’ll end up using your back or shoulders.
You will see pretty fast results by adding these triceps exercises to your workout regime, along with getting the proper amount of sleep and protein in your daily diet. For a variation in the exercises, try using a reverse grip, and different pull down bars.