just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Why Yoga Helps You Gain Muscle

Yoga provides many benefits to the body, but did you know that it can actually help you gain more muscle? If you’ve never given yoga a chance before, it’s probably a good idea to get into a class and see how much it can help you first-hand. Read on to find out the top 6 reasons to do yoga, and how it helps you gain muscle.
1.) When done right, yoga involves the proper use of anatomy and physiology – stretching and relaxing agonist and antagonist muscles, which can ease muscle soreness, as well as built up stiffness.
2.) Gravity tends to create wear and tear on the structure of your body over time. Yoga helps bring you back into alignment. Each pose is designed to realign joints and strengthen the correct muscle groups around the joints. This also benefits the health of your internal organs as well.
3.) Yoga is not only about stretching, but breathing is also a large portion of the exercise. The breathing techniques used while in each pose help dynamically stretch your muscle tissues, resulting in less stiffness and more flexibility.
3.) Have any nagging injuries that flare up more often then not? Yoga is great for treating sports and weightlifting injuries. Many of the positions can be directed at strengthening an injured body part.
Yoga can also help prevent injuries by keeping tendons and ligaments flexible and more adaptable. This helps a body handle the pressure placed on your joints while lifting weights.
4.) A good time to throw in Yoga is directly before your lift. It allows time to unwind, decrease stress levels and bring your mind back into your body, which will help cut down on injuries. It will also help you control your breathing and boost your circulation.
5.) Yoga is also a great way to end a lift, too. It brings blood into body parts you’ve just hit hard, which aids in post workout recovery. Not-to-mention, it also helps you wind down from your lift, which is especially helpful if you lift at night, and need to get to sleep soon.