just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Top 9 Secrets To Lose Body Fat

Hoping to shred some fat off your abs, thighs, glutes, legs, or arms? The following is a list of things you may not know about losing weight, especially the fatty residue that builds up over the years. The only thing you need to do after reading these tips, is apply them to your lifestyle, the results will easily follow.
#1) Metabolic Efficiency – Contrary to popular belief, not only the speed of your metabolism affects your weight, it is your metabolic efficiency that ultimately matters. To increase the efficiency of your metabolism, eat high amounts of plant-based foods daily. They contain the nutrients your body needs to operate properly and burn calories.
#2) Hydrate – The majority of people carrying excess body fat are dehydrated. Chemically water and fat don‘t mix, if your body is getting enough water, it is a lot less likely you will store fat.
#3) Carbs – Eating carbohydrates is essential to weight loss, just keep in mind the timing of when you consume them. This means that you should focus on getting in your carbs for the day early, like at breakfast.
#4) Get Rid of the Empty Calorie – If you have a fatty, flabby body, you have enough calories, but chances are the calories have no nutritional value. This type of calorie is easily stored by your body, mostly around the area of the stomach, thighs, and butt. Substitute high nutritional foods for the empty calories.
#5) Over-eating – The problem is eating too much too quickly at one sitting, and getting “stuffed.” Because the brain takes 20 minutes to reach the message to start digestion, “stuffing” yourself leads to excess fat storage.
#6) Meals – The cavemen, who had great bodies, ate like cows do, meaning they grazed. Your metabolism is built to function by receiving proper amounts of energy several times daily. Switch to eating 6 mini-meals daily throughout the day, and your metabolism will go haywire, allowing you to lose fat.
#7) Exercise – The peak time for fat burn is in the morning because your tummy is empty, forcing your body to rely on fat reserves for energy. Another important thing to do is exercise 5-6 times weekly for about 30 minutes at a high intensity.
#8) Healthy Fats – Or in other terms, dietary fat, which is simply a fancy way to say the fat you get from the good food you eat. Fat is an essential element for your body to function correctly. Good fats come from fish, peanuts, or other natural foods.
#9) Refined Sugar – Get rid of it! Most common in high fructose corn syrup, refined (manmade) sugar increases your body’s ability to store fat. Removing this from your diet will have a huge impact on how your body burns fat.