just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Tips For Fast Lean Muscle Gain

Training at the gym for hours on end and not seeing results? Sometimes our bodies get used to the same routines, and even with eating right and training often, you may not be seeing the muscle gains you want.
Here are 5 easy ways to enhance your gains three times faster than what you may be doing now.
#1) Hydrate – Our bodies are comprised of about 75% water, making it an essential nutrient for muscle growth and function. A level of just 10% dehydration can decrease your strength by 50% during training. To boost your performance and gains, hydrate your muscles, giving them the chance to work to 100% of their potential.
#2) Eat Carbs – The low-carb diets raging through the market don’t work for building muscle. Carbs are the energy your body needs to train and they are essential for both strength gains and bulk gains. Heavy training depletes your sugar storage, which creates a need for carbs to replenish and provide energy.
#3) Set a Limitation – When it comes to weight training and building muscle, less is more. Heavy lifting tears apart your muscle tissue, creating a need for rest and time for them to repair and rebuild. Otherwise, they don’t have any opportunity to grow.
#4) Compound Exercise – This type of exercise employs multi-joint movement, allowing all your muscles and joints of a particular area to function correctly. Compound exercise works all the muscles in a particular group at the same time, which in the long run, helps you lift more and achieve greater gains.
#5) Lift Big – As your training progresses, to continue building muscle, it is essential for you to increase the demand on your muscles. When forced to do more, your muscles will instinctively grow larger.