just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Weight Loss Tips For Women

Here are some great tips to help you meet your weight loss goals:
#1) Healthy Diet and Activity
Dropping the pounds means you must expend more calories than you consume. It means a change in lifestyle, however, it’s quite simple when you put your mind to it. Set up a healthy eating schedule with about 1500-2000 calories daily, and eating every 3-4 hours in smaller portions.
Next, make a point to get your heart rate up for 30-45 minutes at least 5 times a week. You can do this by walking, jogging, running, riding a bike, cleaning the house really quickly, or even having sex.
#2) Take Progressive Photos
When you begin your weight loss regimen, snap a pic of yourself in your current state so you can have something to look back on when you’re in your great new bod. Continue taking photos of your progress every two weeks or so, because visually seeing results will give you the motivation to go even further till you reach your goals.
#3) Tell your Friends/Family
Don’t keep your weight loss goals a secret, especially if you’re embarrassed. Let your friends and family know how you feel about your body and why you want to change it. They can be your support system, which may be extremely important to keeping you on the right track.
They care about you, and would enjoy watching you succeed, and maybe then, they’ll be inspired to make a lifestyle change as well.
#4) Create a Workout Playlist
Listening to music while working out is proven to stimulate your thoughts as your body burns energy. Music helps you zone out and take your mind off of the pains of exercising.
Incorporating a pump-up jam session into your workout will help pass the time faster and far more efficiently than letting the time slowly drag on.
#5) Set Attainable Goals
Rule #1, don’t compare yourself to others. Who cares that Angelina Jolie went from bulging belly to size 6 in a month. You are NOT Angelina Jolie. However, you can have the perfect body for you. Consult a doctor to find a healthy weight for your height/age, and take this number to set a realistic goal for yourself.