just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Extra Six Pack Ab Motivation

Looking for a few extra reasons to strive for a six pack? Check out the top 4 vital health facts about a lean midsection below for some additional motivation.
Live Longer: A Canadian study of more than 8,000 people over 13 years found that those with the weakest abdominal muscles had a death rate more than twice that of the people with the strongest midsections.
Lift More Weight: A stronger core supports your spine, so you can lift more weight in every exercise. Case in point: Canadian researchers found that men bench-pressed 40 percent more on a stable surface—which best supported their spines—than on an unstable surface.
Prevent Injuries: Research shows that men with the best-conditioned abdominal muscles—guys who can perform at least 73 sit-ups in 2 minutes—are five times less likely to suffer a lower-body injury than those who can knock out only 50.
Improve your Posture: Tight lower-back muscles from excessive running pull your spine out of natural alignment. Strengthening your abs can correct this muscular imbalance, improving your body’s posture to allow it to function properly