just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Top 5 Bicep Moves For Mass

Most people think that having big biceps is really just to impress others. Either you have been blessed with the genetics that give you short biceps and a potential to make your biceps look huge much easier, or you don’t have those genetics and have longer biceps that will make you have to work much harder to begin to show your efforts. Either way, it will take some time to make your biceps grow and get bigger.
To do that though, you need to do a few other things that will help in your efforts. You’ll need to get plenty of sleep each night so that your biceps will have time to grow and repair. After you workout your biceps, make sure that you get enough protein.
There are many sources of protein that will help you. You need to consume a protein shake, a lean piece of meat, or a different source of protein like an energy or protein bar to help out. Also remember that with all workouts, you need to inhale as you begin the repetition and exhale as you end the repetition.
Check out the following bicep exercises below. They’ll give you the most mass and all around workout, when done with enough intensity, so get at it!
1. Standing Bicep Curl: Using dumbbells, stand up with your arms by your side. Face your palms forward with the dumbbell in your hand then lift the weight up until your fist almost hits your shoulder. (Not literally, obviously) Make sure that your bicep is flexed throughout the repetition.
Now slowly lower the dumbbell back to your side. Repeat this for 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. Make sure you are working with weights that you can complete this task with. When doing bicep workouts, always keep your elbows locked by your sides.
This will ensure that your arms are also tight against your body and that you are working out your bicep and not your back or your shoulder.
2. Standing Barbell Curl: This exercise is very much like the Standing Bicep Curl, but instead of dumbbells, you use a barbell. Make sure that, again, you are standing straight and that you are gripping the barbell with an underhanded grip with your hands shoulder width apart.
Do not rock back and forth as you do this exercise. Make sure that you are keeping your back and abdominal muscles tight and still, moving only your arms while keeping your elbows locked by your sides.
Although you can use a little more weight with this exercise than with the Standing Bicep Curls, if you have to lean, rock, or use your back, then you need to lighten the weight load.
3. Seated Preacher Curls: Just like the name suggests, you will not be standing on this exercise. You should be sitting on a Preacher Bench that has an inclined pad elevated in front of you.
Also, you will need an EZ bar or straight bar with a manageable amount of weight on it. Just like the other exercises, make sure that you are only using your biceps and not your back. This exercise is one of the fastest bicep growing exercises used in weightlifting today.
4. Reverse Curls: Reverse Curls can be done while either standing or sitting. You also have a choice of using dumbbells or a barbell. The only difference with this exercise is that you have to have your palms in an overhand grip, or bicycle handlebar grip.
This exercise will not only work on your biceps like the other exercises mentioned above, but you will also work on your forearms and wrists quite well. Definitely a good idea to throw it in to put some extra work in on your forearms.
Note: Reverse curls are not particularly a move that build’s a lot of mass on your biceps. It primarily hits your forearms, which is quite beneficial as well, making it a solid choice to throw into your arms routine.
5. Hammer Curls: This workout is very similar to the Standing Bicep Curl, except that your palms are facing inwards, like you are using a hammer, hence the name. You’ll want to do this workout towards the end of the other bicep exercises because help burn everything out.
You also want to do this with lower weight to feel the burn more. Do about 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Also, due to the burn that this exercise will cause, you may want to do it towards the end of your workout session.
Just remember that results won’t show up overnight, but with the right amount of protein and sleep, you’ll begin to see some sick gains. Stick with it and stay consistent!