just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Super Hero Healing

Life can often hit you with a variety of health/appearance ailments that you wish would just go away, and fast.
Well, here are a few great strategies to combat some of these problems in superhero-like recovery times.
Problem: Razor Burn
Solution: Deodorant or other antiperspirant
The aluminum found in odor repellents, such as deodorant, has the ability to close cuts and wounds e.g. razor burn. Just apply pressure to the area, and dab on some deodorant and you’ll be on the road to recovery in no time.
Time saved: About 10 minutes of waiting for the burn to subside so you can get to the gym.
Problem: A Blister
Solution: Neosporin, or other anti-bacterial aid
Don’t jump right in and pop the thing, the new skin growing to replace the infected skin is clean and untouched, exposing it will slow recovery time down by days. Instead, apply anti-bacterial cream to the spot and protect it with a band aid.
Time saved: 2-3 Days of staying off your feet.
Problem: Urinary Tract Infection
Solution: Cranberry Juice and Steak
Consuming protein, like the large amounts found in steak, makes your urine acidic, which when combined with cranberry juice (known to kill bacteria), creates the solution to get rid of the bacteria causing the infection.
Time saved: 4-5 days of painful bathroom visits.
Problem: Painful Headaches
Solution: Sex!
Sexual intercourse releases calming endorphins from the body, soothing the pain in your head. In addition, the action takes your mind off the pain and helps you focus on something much more pleasurable.
Time saved: A few hours of aching and moaning… or maybe just the aching
Problem: Stitch in the Side
Solution: Breathe
Or exhale to be exact. Exhale all the air you can, as deeply as possible to get rid of the knife in your side. A stitch is a muscle spasm in the diaphragm, and a good exhale will get the muscles working together again.
Time saved: About 5 minutes of crumpled over embarrassment