just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Bicep Blowout Workout For Huge Mass

This bicep workout provides all the information in order to pack some serious size onto your arms in no time!
Every serious bodybuilder knows that the size of their arms will either make or break them. If your arms aren’t busting the threads on your sleeves, then it means you need to turn up the size factor!
Let’s face it, having a huge set of arms is great for many reasons. For one, it’s going to help you add more weight to lifts like your bench press. But it’s also going to get you the attention of every girl in your gym, and none of them can resist a perfectly sculpted set of guns! And if that’s not enough motivation for you, then you may as well put the weights down and pick up a burger.
Anyone can add more size to their arms, but in order to do it you need an intense approach to your training, diet and supplementation. So if you’re ready to add tons of head-turning size to your arms, we’ve got the hardcore training routine that you’ll need to load your arms with more size than you ever thought possible!
Here’s the workout/exercises to follow for this bicep mass gaining routine:
Bicep Blowout Workout – Exercises
Dumbell Hammer Curls*
  • (Warm-Up)**
    2 sets x 12 rep
  • (To Failure)
    3 sets x 10 reps
Standing Barbell Curls*
  • (To Failure)
    4 sets x 10 reps
  • (Drop Set)
    1 set x 20 reps
Super 7′s*
  • (To Failure)
    4 sets x 21 reps (7+7+7)
* Rest time between sets should be 30-45 seconds. ** Warm-up weight should be a weight that is light enough to get the blood flowing and not so heavy that you have to struggle to complete the 12 reps. This is a warm-up, not a working set, so don’t take it to failure. Just start out by getting loose
>> Arm Blast:
  • For the duration of this training program, you should be going at a high intensity and taking only 30 to 45 seconds of rest between sets. You’re really going to feel a burn, but maximizing the blood in your muscles will make sure you add even more size. So give this program a shot; you’ll be surprised with the results you’ll see!
>> Alternating Dumbell Hammer Curls:
  • Grab a pair of dumbells from the rack and remain standing. Keep your elbows tucked in at your sides and your palms facing in as you forcefully curl the weight up. As you reach the top of the movement, try to touch the weight to your shoulder and rotate your wrist to emphasize your peak contraction. Pause at the top and squeeze for a two count before slowly lowering the weight back to the starting position.
>> Standing Barbell Curls:
  • Set up a barbell with enough weight on it so that you can complete 10 reps before failing. Begin the motion with your arms fully extended below waist level. Keep your elbows tucked in at your sides and contract your biceps, bringing the weight up to the top of the movement.
  • Avoid leaning back or throwing the weight; this will only remove tension from your bis. Squeeze your biceps as hard as you can for a two count at the top of the movement before slowly returning to the starting position. After your last set, drop the weight and bang out another 20 fast reps to feel an intense burn deep in your bis.
>> Super 7′s:
  • Finish your bis off with this growth-inducing move. Grab an EZ curl bar and put on a weight that you can curl roughly 15 times. With Super 7s, start like the. standing barbell curls, but only bring the bar up until your forearms are parallel to the floor, then reverse the movement.
  • Repeat that 6 more times to complete 7 reps. Without rest, bring the weight up to shoulder level. From here, lower the bar until your forearms are parallel to the floor, pause and then reverse the movement back to the top. Repeat 6 times to complete another 7 reps.
  • Now, lower the bar below waist level, and complete 7 full-range reps from bottom to top, squeezing each rep as hard as you can at the top of the movement for a two count. After 7 reps of this, you’ve completed a total of 21 reps without rest, or one set of Super 7s.
Make sure your arms are ready for a brutal workout before starting up this routine. If your muscles are over trained, they won’t react as well to this workout. If you’re feeling worn out, make sure to take a few days rest out of the gym, to heal back up and prep yourself for a huge arms day!