just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

New Year’s Weight Loss

At New Years, many people resolve to lose weight, however, they hardly ever have a strategy to accomplish it. This is why year after year they have the same resolution, because their goal has yet to be achieved. Here are some strategies to help you finally accomplish your New Year’s resolution and move onto bigger and better things:
First off, when setting a goal, keep in mind the letters S.M.A.R.T, it is a system that will help you reach your goals in a timely, efficient manner.
Specific – Be absolutely sure of your goals. For example, if you want to lose 15 pounds, write “I’m going to lose 15 pounds” in a place where you’ll be reminded of it each day.
Measurable – Remember to weigh yourself every few days, take note of whether you’ve lost/gained weight. A good tip is to keep track of these numbers in a journal, along with your thoughts and feelings about how you’re doing.
Attainable – Start small and work your way up to bigger goals. If your goals are smaller at first, they will be easier to accomplish, and in turn, they will motivate you to reach your larger goals.
Realistic – Have a good idea of what your body is capable of looking like, and set your goals according to this image. Not everyone is meant to have a supermodel/bodybuilder body. Understand yourself and be happy with who YOU are.
Timely – To get things done in a timely manner, set a completion date. Give yourself a certain amount of weeks to lose your 15 pounds. This will help you really get things done, think of it like a big project for your boss, you HAVE to get it done by 00/00/00.
Here are a few more weight loss tips to help you in the New Year:
  • Modify your diet. Calculate how many calories you take in. If it’s more than 2500, gradually decrease the number of calories you consume to about 1800, this will help your body’s metabolism kick in more efficiently.
  • Get yourself off the couch! Make a reasonable exercise schedule. Focus on doing cardio at least 5 times a week along with toning the problem areas you have (e.g. thighs, abs, gluts). You don’t need a gym to do these things either, go to the park to get the cardio in and do lunges, push ups, or sit-ups for toning.
  • Gather a support group of your friends/family. Especially those who either want to lose weight themselves, or have in the past. They will help you reach your goals and you can help them reach theirs.