just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Intensity and Frequency Of Workouts

The first question that comes to mind of anyone who is beginning a workout is:HOW MUCH,AND HOW OFTEN should i workout??
We have the answers to the amount and intensity of exercise one should follow while starting a workout.
  • Do weight training for all major muscle groups like chest,back,biceps,triceps,legs,sholders twice a  week. Schedule your workout such that you don’t repeat the same muscle groups on consecutive days.
  • Start by lifting very little or bare minimum weight in the very first week.Gradually build up the amount of weight lifted and intensity of workout. Depending on your fitness levels,you can even start with empty rods.
  • Gradually add up weight to your workout.For e.g if you can lift 60lbs in bench press,increase it to 65-70lbs next time.THIS will boost growth of muscle,i.e, challenging the muscle.If you continue lifting the same weight easily,you will gain no benefit.
  • Take 2 seconds to lift or push a weight,hold it for a second and gradually lower it down or back.Remember:do not let the weight fall back.Keep it in control.
  • If you cant push the weight more than 6-8 times,it is too heavy for you,so kindly reduce the weight. Like wise,if you can push it easily 15-18 times,it is too light and not worth anything.Increase the weight.
  • An ideal number of repetitions is 8-15 per set,with a minimum of atleast 6 in the final set. Any less than this would mean you are picking weights heavier than your capability.
  • While you wait for the next set of repetitions to begin,you can slowly stretch the worked-upon muscle to elieve any pain.