just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Warner Bros to invest 200 crores in India

This is the season for good tidings to invade Indian Cinema. 'Slumdog Millionare' which was shot in India is making yeoman publicity for Indian talent all over the world. A. R. Rahman is in the verge of winning Oscar Awards. And now a new survey has declared that the average citizen in South India watches at least 12 films per year in theaters. This is a huge factor for people who have cinema as a business.
Time Warner is a big name to reckon with in the world, producing and distributing big budget Hollywood films. A wing of the company Warner Bros is preparing to invest Rs. 200 Crores in Indian Cinema this year. It has already been announced that they will co-produce a Tamil film along with Soundarya Rajinikanth's Ocher Studios named 'Goa' which is to be directed by Venkat Prabhu. Plans are on to produce many more flilms this year.
Warner Bros's determined entry into the Indian film market might be great news for talent across India. Big budget extravaganzas are in the offing and they have the potential to take Indian Cinema to the next level.