One USP that Chiranjeevi's son Ram Charan has is his dancing skills. The budding actor had done an excellent job in Chirutha, and all appreciated him for his effort, but despite this effort comparisons with his father keep coming up.
Those who have worked with the father and the son say, even today Chiru is a class apart, and the son is no match to the father, they feel that Chiru is much superior Ram Charan, both in agility and quickness of grasping steps.
Some insist that comparisons are wrong and each one of them is special in their own way, moreover Ram Charan has a long way to go in his career, and he would get many opportunities to prove himself.
All said and done, comparisons are a part and parcel of this industry, where sons follow the foot steps of the fathers. Ram Charan would have to live with these comparisons till he firmly establishes himself.