After the hit ‘Kotha Bangaru Lokam’, Varun Sandesh has plenty of offers to choose from the lot. His latest upcoming will be ‘Evaraina Epudaina’ - Premalo Padochu starring Vimala Raman as the heroine. Producers M.Sharvanan and MS Guhan are making the film on the prestigious AVM Productions banner.
Also, a sequel to the yesteryear hit ‘Marocharithra’ has been planned with Varun in the direction of debutant Ravi Yadav. Now, another film which is a remake of the Tamil hit ‘Polladhavan’ has gone to the floors on 26th January. Heroine of ‘Chirutha’, Neha Sharma has been roped in to star alongside Varun. Son of popular director and producer Gunnam Ganga Raju, Gunnam Sandeep debuts as a director with this film. Earlier it was said RB Chowdary will make the film but now Gemini Kiran is said to produce it.
The plot is about a young guy’s obsession with his bike and the suffering he undergoes when he encounters a gangster, who steals his bike that leads to consequences. For now, referring to the storyline the title is being said as ‘Bike’ which may or may not change once the shooting gets over.