The movie ‘Arundhathi’ swooped the box office with tremendous collections on the very first week itself. Shyam Prasad Reddy produced the movie on Mallemala Entertainments banner, directed by Kodi Ramakrishna. Anushka enacted a double role as Arundhathi and Jejamma which has gained wide fame for her performance.
Spectacular visualization was one major asset of the movie which was designed by Rahul Nambiar. His slick generation of computer graphics gave life to the gigantic sets and bought him to limelight. Impressed with his work, Shyam Prasad has plans to debut him as a director.
Rahul Nambiar being a creative guy and Shyam Prasad who never compromises on quality, we can most probably say it will be one magnum opus from their combination. It will be sometime before the movie comes out for us to gauge the vista.