Former Satyam CFO Vadlamani Srinivas revealed how a sum of Rs 20 crore was being diverted every month in the name of employee salaries during CID interrogations.Mr Srinivas also said Satyam Computers has only 40,000 employees and not 53,000.Public prosecutor Mr Ajay Kumar, during the hearing of the petition for extension of police custody of Ramalinga Raju and Srinivas, said the Raju brothers diverted funds from the company account in the name of employee salaries. “There was a manipulation in the number of employees too,” he said.It was also revealed that Ramalinga Raju had used the name of 400 fictitious companies to buy benami lands on the city outskirts.Defence lawyer S. Bharat Kumar, however, denied of any such confession By Mr Srinivas.