Anushka starrer Arundhati has emerged the real winner among all the new releases. And the movie is all set to create records. According to trade pundits, Arundhati will be the highest grocer among films that had ‘heroine’s in the lead. Rough estimate is that the movie might end up collecting Rs 26 Crores (share). As of now, the collections indicate that it will be one of the top three highest grocers of all time. This is unprecedented for a heroine movie.
Overall Collections (Estimate)
Rs 8 Cr (Expected)
Rs 10 Cr (Expected)
Rs 3 - 4 Cr (Expected)
Rs 1.5 Cr (business done)
Rs 1 Cr (business done)
Rs 5 Cr (Expected)
Remake Rights
Rs 5 Crore
Total Business estimate 30 Crores
Anushka is red hot now. She might charge now more than Ileana for her new films. She will also be the new icon for heroine-oriented roles. Remember what success of Mantra did to Charmee’s carrer. Like wise, Anushka will be the brand for such roles.
With craze surrounding and demand, producer Shyam Prasad Reddy has increased number of prints and is releasing with another 75 prints in Andhra Pradesh. In USA, the movie is hitting this Friday. It remains to be seen will it create same hysteria abroad?
Overall Collections (Estimate)
Rs 8 Cr (Expected)
Rs 10 Cr (Expected)
Rs 3 - 4 Cr (Expected)
Rs 1.5 Cr (business done)
Rs 1 Cr (business done)
Rs 5 Cr (Expected)
Remake Rights
Rs 5 Crore
Total Business estimate 30 Crores
Anushka is red hot now. She might charge now more than Ileana for her new films. She will also be the new icon for heroine-oriented roles. Remember what success of Mantra did to Charmee’s carrer. Like wise, Anushka will be the brand for such roles.
With craze surrounding and demand, producer Shyam Prasad Reddy has increased number of prints and is releasing with another 75 prints in Andhra Pradesh. In USA, the movie is hitting this Friday. It remains to be seen will it create same hysteria abroad?