just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Welfare With Corruption Not Favorable for Y.S.R?

The present Congress government at the state level is going ahead into the following elections with a confidence that its various welfare policies launched in the last 4yrs would bring it good luck and people will vote it to power on the strength of the welfare achieved through these policies.
But the reality is something else, the job of a government does not end with just announcing new policies, its real job starts with their implementation and that is where the present government is lacking, the implementation of these policies reek of corruption and favoritism and this is what the people are disillusioned with.
Many argue that the policies look great on paper but the implementing will and determination is not to be seen by this present government.
The stories of corruption in small places are galore, and this is what exactly is haunting the present government, analysts argue that voters vote out any government that is inefficient despite having good schemes, voters generally want to see a government that is corruption free and looking at the present set-up that is not possible. A change in governance is the only option for a corruption free state.