The film ‘Mesthri’ starring Dasari Narayana Rao in main role is all set to release on 6th March, 09. Mohan Babu and Srihari are playing the key roles in the film. Mohan Babu will be seen as Major Devaraju, the recipient of the prestigious Shourya Chakra from the President of India in this film. The film has completed its shooting at Ramoji Film City recently. Currently, the film is under in post-production works.
K Ramakrishna Prasad is producing the film under Sowbhagya Films Pvt. Ltd banner and is directed by Suresh Krishna of ‘Basha’ fame. The film is a satirical take on the political and contemporary social system in the state. Major part of the film has been shot in Vizag port in the scenic locations of the Bay of Bengal.