Actor turned politician Babu Mohan’s out-of-the context remarks are set to create a huge controversy. On Thursday (February 26, 2009), he spoke with the media about the Congress leaders and their corruption. In his usual verbal blabber, he spoke about Shoban Babu’s death and made some controversial statements. He said that Shoban Babu had to die like a deserted man despite earning about Rs 20,000 Crores.
“He accumulated assets by carefully investing every paisa. But in the end, his own family members fought with him over check book power. When died, some of his family members did not attend the funeral. He passed away like a loner,” Babu Mohan said while talking about Congress leaders. He warned the Congress politicians citing Shoban Babu’s pathetic situation before his death. “You should take a lesson from Shoban,” he said.