Praja Rajyam Chief Chiranjeevi and his wife Surekha will celebrate their wedding anniversary in Kurnool on Friday. Incidentally Ms. Surekha who arrived here today celebrated her birthday.
She visited Choudeswari temple at Nandavaram and Narasimha Swamy temple at Ahobilam. Meanwhile, party general secretary and brother-in-law Allu Aravind also flew into Nandyal to meet Chiranjeevi.
Mr. Aravind arrived in a helicopter that was engaged to shower flower petals on the actor-turned politician. Party district convenor Bhuma Nagireddy arranged for the event to take place at Nandyal.
Mr Nagireddy spent some time with Chiranjeevi during the road show.
As the programme was getting delayed, the helicopters showered flowers while Chiranjeevi was at the road show at Sirvel.
The convoy inched its way to Nandyal as the roads were packed with people. The convoy reached the town at 7.45 pm, nearly three hours behind schedule.
Meanwhile, one person died in a road accident in the incidents related to road show.