just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Congress will win AP: CNN -IBN Survey

The ruling Congress would emerge the clear winner in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly polls, according to the latest opinion poll conducted by the CNN-IBN group.
A statement put out by the group said that 45 per cent of the respondents voted in favour of the Congress leaving the TD with 30 per cent of the votes, the BJP with nine per cent, and the Left parties with two per cent.Chiranjeevi’s Praja Rajyam could gain only seven per cent of the votes though it had wide support among youngsters, minorities and the Madiga community.

Around 73 per cent of the respondents expressed satisfaction at the performance of the state government and also endorsed the Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy’s policies.

Interestingly, 57 per cent of the respondents felt that the YSR government was better than the previous TD regime. Pertinently, the survey said that 52 per cent of the respondents across the state were against a separate Telangana and only 27 per cent were in favour of it.

However, in Telangana, 63 per cent are in favour of a separate state and only 24 per cent were against it. The opinion poll was conducted by Centre for the Study of Developing Societies through a systematic random sampling from all socio-economic groups.