Tollywood producers have asked the Tamil Nadu government to crack down on 400 video parlours in Burma Bazaar of Chennai which are pirating Telugu movies even before their release.The anti-video piracy cell of Telugu film industry alleged that Burma Bazaar has become the hub of video piracy.
The video parlours in this area are reportedly causing a loss of Rs 50 crore to the industry annually.
The anti-piracy cell of Tollywood has filed cases against Jesu Raja, Stalin, Anthony Samy, V.M. Pannir Selvam, Mohammed Yousuf, P. Rajendra and Shajahan for piracy of Telugu movies.
Though the cell registered cases against them in Afzal Ganj and Godavarikhani police stations in the state and there are non bailable arrest warrants against them, TN cops are refusing to arrest them as they are said to be DMK workers.
Cases have also been registered against them in the Gopalapuram police station in Chennai.
Mr Keshav Reddy, co-ordinator of the anti-video piracy cell of Tollywood, said though members of the cell went to Chennai with AP cops to arrest the piracy gang, the TN police did not cooperate.
“We even complained to the Chennai police commissioner but in vain,” he said. “The video parlours in Burma Bazaar are even giving orders for posters and wrappers for the pirated CDs.”
Apart from Burma Bazar in Chennai, SP Road and National Market in Benguluru have also become manufacturing hubs of pirated CDs.