Roja's unusual words against Congress leaders caused tension in Chittoor. Cine actor ROJA who has been on her trip to Chittoor district has faced a tough situation from local voters. When she was delivering the speech to encourage the local women in Chittoor, she crossed her limit in criticising the Congress leaders.
"Beat the Congress leaders with Chappal if they ask again for votes. Put an end to this corrupt congress leaders by defeating them in this election by beating them with chappal." All was fine for Roja when she took her aggressive stand but the dialogues like BEATING THEM WITH CHAPPAL has made the local women to go against ROJA. They attacked ROJA with chappal and started to make her run from the place of meeting. But the women do not stop there, they too ran against ROJA resembling it as cine fight. Local Police enetered the scene and took control over the situation. Anyways ROJA must use some controlled words in order to make people aware of Congress failures. Hope she will learn the lesson.