Strict implementation of the election code by him has placed Chief Electoral Officer I. V. Subba Rao himself in a spot. Apart from his onerous duties as the Election Commission’s pointsman in Andhra Pradesh, Mr. Subba Rao has to now clear all important files pertaining to the government.
These include those that were hitherto cleared by Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy. As the model code bars the Chief Minister, Ministers and even senior officials from sanctioning new benefits to an individual or community, all files dealing with such matters are routed through the CEO at the instance of Election Commission.
The Chief Minister’s Office has already issued strict instructions to senior officials not to send it any important file and, instead, place them before the CEO. Consequently, bundles of files are reaching the CEO everyday. Finding little time to go through them amidst a busy schedule of election work, Mr. Subba Rao is clearing them at his residence. The number of the approved files on Tuesday was so high that his staff used chairs with wheels to transport them to his chamber in the Secretariat from his car. Mr. Subba Rao will handle these multiple tasks as long as the code is in force, till the third week of May.
He was clearing all those files needed to ensure routine administration, apart from “other matters”. Seeking guidance from the EC regularly, he is also signing files pertaining to promotions and transfers of employees after consulting departmental promotion committees.