After dilly-dallying for some time, it is emerging clear that senior actor and BJP leader U V Krishnam Raju and West Godavari district TDP president Kothapalli Subbarayudu could be joining Chiranjeevi’s Prajarajyam Party.
Rayudu, the sitting MLA from Narsapuram, may tender his resignation to the TDP on March 19 and join PRP on March 21. The TDP high command is not surprised on Rayudu’s switchover to PRP since he belongs to the same community of Chiranjeevi. Krishnam Raju said he is not “interested” in politics at this stage. “I am busy shooting for my nephew Prabhas’s film ‘Billa.’ I have no idea about BJP fielding me from Narsapuram LS seat,” he said. However, a district PRP leader confirmed that Krishnam Raju’s joining PRP is only a formality.
Speculation was rife during the launch of PRP that Krishnam Raju, a former Union minister in A B Vajpayee’s cabinet, could quit the BJP and join hands with Chiranjeevi. Sources said when some of his followers wanted to join Congress, Krishnam Raju had advised them against it and asked them to wait for the birth of PRP. Meanwhile, the BJP leaders said Krishnam Raju would not ditch the party.