The superstar of Malayalam Mohanlal who is contributing valuable performance in films honored for his excellencies patriotic roles in the films 'Keerthichakra' and 'Kuruskhethra' the star conferred with honorary rank of Lieutenant Colonel by the Chief of the Army staff General Deepak Kapoor at the Army headquarters, New Delhi.
Earlier it was only Kapil Dev, a personality who donned Territorial Army identity, 2008, and after that it is only Mohanlal who had been honored with such a most valuable category of our Nation.
Following this the Mohanlala will soon join the 122 Infantry Batalion [Territorial Army] of Chennai Regiment or Kannur Terriers. And further he would be the brand ambassador of the Army who had visited Kargil a couple of times to get training.
According to our Nation’s TA system a citizen can service his part time contribution to armed force simultaneously continuing his regular profession respectively, later they may be called to act supportive roles full time service during emergencies period of the Nation for defense.
Mohanlal pledged that he will do all for the good of nation with true spirit of a soldier, he feels pride for the armed forces, and will serve shoulder to shoulder with respective Officers/ Junior Commissioned Officers and men, added the valuable star Mohanlal after he visited Union Defence Minister A.K. Antony. more>>>