Malayalam film industry, crazy fans and the audience all on a whole set under shock over the matter the cute actress Kavya Madhavan who was married recently to Nishal Chandran working in Kuwait of native Kayamkulam, Kerala. Kavya returned back home town stating that she was not comforted with her married life due to it went failure; hindrance from altogether her husband and his family.
Kavya Madhavan Marriage
It all happened shortly 5 months back 5th February at Kollur, Mugambigai Temple, arranged marriage after the love developed between Kavya Madhavan and Nishal Chandran, following it the reception also took place 9th February well with the presence of whole Malayalam industry greeting this couple.
Marriage breaks
It seems that Initially before the marraige Nishal and his family heard the wrong information about the actress relating her with an actor but as the engagement passed over by that time and as nothing else to do, they decided to proceed the marriage.
Following this, then and there after the marriage argument started between Kavya and Nichal later headed with regular disputes, relating this the actress reported her parents that she is being tortured by them and not leading a happy life, Kavya landed back her home town all the way away from Nichal and residing with her parents in Ernakullam now.
Divorce Case
Eventually Kavya is discussing about the divorce case with her advocate, and as per law she is told to wait for a year away from her husband and only after that she will free legally.
Actress life is really a risky job both professionaly and personaly when they are in the Industry and also after their marriage, time factor will only allow them comforted with equal rights and un-affective from male domination society. more>>>