just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Meena marraige with Vidhyasagar at Tirupathy

It is known Meena the south Indian actress is going to married soon with computer engineer Vithasagar, Bangalore. Following this Meena went to Tirupathy temple with her parents Durairaj and marriage will take place in Tirupathy July 12th and the reception on 14th at mayor Ramanathan hall, Chennai.

Meena walked from Tirumalai to Tirupathy 9 kilometers which had taken 3 hours, then she placed the marriage notice before Perumal and prayed God, she got Prasadham faithfully, given by the Temple administration.

Later, she had given a statement which is not usual statement of the actress who are getting married, even after the marriage Meena will act in selective films which has good store and in TV serials, she said for a question asked.

Regards for Meena, telling the fact that she will act films further and we wish her a very happy and prosperous married life.
