Suresh Gopi, Mukesh, Pasupathi, Jaya Soorya and Kala Bhavan mani had been casted as heroes in 'Vairam', directed by M.A. Nishad. Bhama, Samvritha and Meera Vasudev are heroines. It is for the first time Pasupathi is acting in a Malayalam film. They are supported by Thilakan, Jagathy, Sai Kumar, K.P.A.C Lalitha, Rekha and others. Under the banner of NASR India, N. Siva Rao is producing the film. The director himself has penned the story. Cherian Kalpakavady has penned the dialogue and screen play. Sanjeev Sankar will wield the camera. Lyrics by Gireesh Puthenchery and M Jaya Chandran has scored the music. The shoot will begin on April 15 at Theni. Other locations are Ernakulam and Thodupuzha.