'Sivapuram' directed by Unni Pranav, is a family entertainer. Bala and Muktha are doing the lead. The story is taking place in a village called Sivapuram. Sivan arrived at this village in search of a job with his daughter after he lost his wife. Sivan admitted his daughter in a nursery and there the teacher cared her as her own daughter. This relationship build an attachment. Meantime Sivan could see some peculiarities of his late wife in the teacher and wished to marry her. At this time he confronted with a criminal and the story turns. Bala dons the role of Sivan and Muktha as the teacher. Under the banner of united films Ansar and Nazar are producing the film. K.V. Anil has penned the screen play. Anil Panachooraan, Jeofi Tharakan and Bala Chandran are the lyricists. Thamshan has scored the music. Other casts include Jagadeesh, Kakka Ravi, Indrans, Salim Kumar, Saiju Kurup, Usha, Devi Chandana and Kulapulli Leela.