Popular actor Vijaykumar and Manjula Kadai Kutty Sridevi who entered Tamil film industry through ‘Rickshaw Mama’ in which Satya Raj played lead, it is to be noted that her mother Manjula highlighted in the film Rickshawkaran with the evergreen super star and former chief minister M.G.R.
We have already stated about the marriage of Sridevi Vijaya Kumar who is going to Married with of IT Company Hyderabad, while their engagement took place on March 15 th in Chennai, their marrige date reached closure.
Rahul is the son of Narasimma Rao and Uma, Sridevi and Rahul Marriage will take place on 18 th July at 7.31 am in Sri Varu Venkatachalapathy Palace, L.P.R Gardens, Vanagaram, Chennai.
Marriage reception will follow after the marriage at 9.00 am same place, in which Tamil cine stars and political leaders will give their presence and bless the married couple Sridevi and Rahul.