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Golconda fort wallpapers

Golconda fort wallpapers

Golconda is a famous fort in Hyderabad . This fort have distance in 11KM to Hyderabad .


Golconda fort wallpapers
Pic : Wonderful Golconda fort


Golconda fort wallpapers
Pic : Light and Sound show


Golconda fort wallpapers
Pic : Beautiful Golconda fort

This fort called GOLCONDA .These building started bu Kakathiya's . Few years this building constructional was stopped . Restart on 1518-1687 . after words a king of kuthob Shahi 's time sled by diamonds in these fort . its have so many wonderful buildings, one of the memorable place is Ramadasu jail . These fort specialty is any sound produced in first door that sound reached on Darbar Hall . The darbar hall have height is 61 M . World famous Kononur diamond sated some years in the fort .
Present this fort opening time is 9am-5.30pm . This fort still opened seven days . there is no closing days . Entry fee is Indians-5-00Rs, foarenas-100Rs with video camera-25Rs .
Every evening Conducted a program Light and Sound show in Golconda fort . this shows two tips Executive and non-Executive .
Executive entra fee are elders-100Rs and childrens- 50Rs .
Non-Executive entry fee is elder-70Rs and childrens-30Rs .
This show conducted in two Languages Hindi, Telugu and English . this show showing is history of Golconda . you can decorated with Golconda wallpapers your desktop back ground .