Cut Tari Aminah Anasya, commonly called Cut Tari (born in Jakarta, November 1, 1977; age 33 years) was a sitcom actress and host Indonesia. Tari Aceh still has the blood of his parents. Dance profession as host and sitcom actress in the entertainment world country. Biography
Women's bloody Aceh - West Sumatra is at achievement while still in elementary school. He became a champion Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) level of RW. He had studied piano and organ, but stopped in the middle of the road. Stepping 13 years, women who familiarly called Lilly is so fond of mejeng in front of the camera. Since childhood he was pleased photographed. The journey begins with the artist's career in the world following the election of the Cover GIRL 1991. From there, he is likely to get cosmetic product advertisements teenagers namely Young in 1993. When he was 16 years old.
First foray into the world of acting when he was invited by Harry De Fretes as a guest star in comedy Tale Sky. Then he got another offer on the show The World-Sides (1993), as a supporting role. Today was a lot of soap operas that played by him, including Travel, Jasmine, My prayer Hopefully, Cafe Blue, Lady Luck was flattered and Rosalinda. Until now, despite claims saturated with antagonistic roles in the soap opera that is often diperankannya, Cut Tari still exist starred in several soap operas and a host of various events.
Cut Tari suddenly become conversation in mid-2010 related to the case of the spread of video nasty like himself on the internet. In the recording itself seems to do a scene with Ariel Peterpan intercourse. As a result of this incident Cut Tari decided his contract as host of the Trans Infotainment Insert.