Nazril Irham or more popular with call Ariel or Ariel (born in Pangkalan Brandan, Langkat, North Sumatera, 16 September 1981; age 29 years) is an Indonesian singer who is the vocalist of the band Peterpan. Ariel is the youngest of 3 brothers from ethnic Malays. Ariel is a vocalist of popular band Peterpan. Ariel is also registered as a student majoring in Architecture University of Parahyangan, Bandung
Since the Class I Junior, Ariel has an intense band formed the band. The first band he formed called Peppermint. Unfortunately, fate nih band lasted only seven months.
So, Ariel made the band again named Sliver, Cholesterol and hat. Again, it all broke up in the middle of the road. However, the latter band created quite meritorious career. Some people who joined in the Hat, including the Ariel-, agreed to form a new band. A band that is named Peter and survived until now.
Together with Peter, Ariel seeks penetrate top cafes in Bandung. Peterpan plus attractive appearance that is characterized by vocal Ariel secretly attracted Noey Java Jive base-ex who later became a producer-to enter their songs in the album compilation Acts 2002 Nights. Perfect Dream Songs contained in the compilation album was a success so capital for Peter to penetrate the record industry.
In 2003, Peter released the album Garden of Heaven. This album had burst. Admittedly, one of the factors that support this album is his best-selling vocal Ariel and its ability to process the lyrics. The lyrics are made admirer of Kahlil Gibran is very deep. Able to touch the bottom of my heart hearing her songs.
Naturally, if the name of Ariel getting bounced. His position as frontman allowed reincarnate so new idol. The climax, when the album Star in Heaven was released mid 2004. Ariel was really a music lover idol Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke.
Amid the flood of popularity, Ariel sempet hampered problem. He is rumored to have impregnated his girlfriend, a girl from Hyderabad who named Sarah Amalia.
This rumor can not be circumvented by Ariel. Later, he was willing to marry Leah to account for his actions. A marriage is kept secret from the media spotlight.
Married at a young age sempet make many people doubt the viability and Peterpan Ariel career. Doubt it clearly must be answered by Ariel. The trick, especially if instead of continuing to work with all my heart. Continued to produce songs that are entertaining and can be enjoyed by listeners of Indonesian music.
Besides a career in the music world, Ariel is now the commercials. He became a model Sunsilk ad with Amy Lee's model.
In addition, Ariel was a popular movie star in the movie Dreamer. Arai portrayed Ariel, a young man who never stopped dreaming.