LG announced its Design the Future competition winners, and among them was this Hi-Fi cellphone that doubles as a pair of headphones. Folded up, it’s said to fit into a slot in a laptop, or maybe even your pocket. Unfolded, and it gives you a pair of stereo headphones.
We’re wondering where the mic is on those headphones — but we’re sure that pesky detail ( and a few others) can be worked out if this design concept ever finds its way to the real world.
In the meantime, LG might want to consider manufacturing kooky designs like this, rather than brand-spamming us with numerous attempts at killing the iPhone.
We’re wondering where the mic is on those headphones — but we’re sure that pesky detail ( and a few others) can be worked out if this design concept ever finds its way to the real world.
In the meantime, LG might want to consider manufacturing kooky designs like this, rather than brand-spamming us with numerous attempts at killing the iPhone.