Overtraining is a huge part of why most novice lifters don’t see results. When you work your muscles too often for them to heal, the result is zero growth and perhaps even muscle loss in some extreme cases. Training the same body part everyday will absolutely lead to overtraining.
A body part worked properly – as in worked to complete muscular failure, with as many muscle fibers as physiologically possible recruited – will take 5 – 10 days to completely heal and grow. You also have to take into account that lifting in general puts a large strain on your central nervous system to recover.
For example, after an intense leg day, it’s very hard on your body to jump right into an intense arms day the very next day, because it’s still recovering from the leg day.
The bottom-line is, learn fast to make rest and sleep an important part of your overall workout. Rest is just as important as the actual workout itself. As a rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to spend as many days out of the gym, as you do in it.
On that note, if you’re feeling run down from your previous workout, feel free to take off a day from the gym to recover. Even a week off every once in a while is the good idea, to completely heal up all of your muscle fibers and your central nervous system..
A body part worked properly – as in worked to complete muscular failure, with as many muscle fibers as physiologically possible recruited – will take 5 – 10 days to completely heal and grow. You also have to take into account that lifting in general puts a large strain on your central nervous system to recover.
For example, after an intense leg day, it’s very hard on your body to jump right into an intense arms day the very next day, because it’s still recovering from the leg day.
The bottom-line is, learn fast to make rest and sleep an important part of your overall workout. Rest is just as important as the actual workout itself. As a rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to spend as many days out of the gym, as you do in it.
On that note, if you’re feeling run down from your previous workout, feel free to take off a day from the gym to recover. Even a week off every once in a while is the good idea, to completely heal up all of your muscle fibers and your central nervous system..