just hrithik rosan
just hritik rosan

Jay Sean Diet

A self confessed “very,very fat kid” when he was young,Jay Sean firmly made up his mind to lose weight when he entered medical school,and went on a compulsive diet plan and has now maintained himself at a healthy 196 pounds.On being asked the reason for this motivation,he says:
“I challenged myself”“I used to look at pictures in magazines and be like, ‘I wish I had a body like that.’ And I said to myself, ‘One day I will look like that. I will get that body. And I worked my arse off to get it. I lost three stone over the summer, people didn’t recognize me.”
  • Jay worked out every day to lose the weight and cut carbohydrates from his diet completely.
  • Even now,he doesn not take a break  from his diet plan, never touching bread or pasta, because he’s so scared of putting the weight back on.
“Even if I’m twisted out of my head (drunk) and go for a kebab, I’ll order the meat and chuck the bread straight away. I’m so focused on some areas of my life that I just won’t allow myself to veer off that path.”
NOTE: It’s processed carbs such as pasta and bread that will make you fat. Healthy carbs from fruits and veggies will help you lose weight.